Rabbi Avroham Zev Levy
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Rav, McKeesport, PennsylvaniaDate of Death:
Tue. December 17, 1940 -
Kislev 17 5701
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Mount Hebron Cemetery in Flushing, Queens maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Block: 6, Reference: 12, Section: I, Lot: 2, Grave: 10, Society: Cong Rohim Ahovim, 2nd row from the road
Name Listed on Cemetery Database: LEVY, WOLF
Biographical Notes:
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Who was the Mashiv kHalacha?
Reb Avrohom Zev Wolf Frankel of Pschevorsk and later in Riesche.
He was Rav in McKeesport, PA, and was a Sanzer Chusid, He had a brother R’ Simcha who was Rav in Port Amboy.
McKeesport is about 14 miles from Pittsburgh there was a substantial Hungarian Jewish community.
My Great Grandfather, R’ Yaakov Friedman was a Rov in Clairton, Pa (right next to Mckeesport, Pa and was nifter in 1940. I wonder if they knew each other (He also had a married brother with 10 children living in Mckeesport). any way to connect them?
I’m pretty sure that this is my uncle Wolf Levy who lived with his family on our block in Brooklyn in the 30s thru 40s. He was ordained but to my knowledge did not have a permanent congregation.
He had two sons (one Rabbi Zalman Levy in N.J.) and 3 daughters
I believe that this is my Great Grandfather. Simon, that would make you my cousin. My grandfather was Simon Levy and Zalman was his brother.
Sefer of the Rav named HaDeah V’Hadibur:
Based on what is written there, the name of the FIL of Rabbi Levy was R’ Aaron Samson Haskel, I guess that is how you are related, any idea about where the Haskel fmaily lived in Europe?